This is the story of the final set of products for our restaurant client. The last component of their order was some natural tree slices (cookies) to further add to their service options.

The wood we settled on using is honey locust which grows in abundance in the Kansas City area. This particular tree came from our farm and was standing dead in 2018.

The first step was to take the tree to our good friend, Tom the Sawyer to be milled into a mix of 4 and 6 inch pieces.

The good thing about dead trees is that in many cases, the bark has already fallen off so a little sanding and you are left with a beautiful patina.

After several hours of sanding the top and bottom, the next step revolves around removing any pesky insects that might have set up camp. Part 1 involved soaking the logs in a solution and Part 2 involved heating the wood. To do this second step we built a make-shift kiln with some insulated boards and a space heater.

The final step was to apply several coats of a protective finish.